Be part of "हर घर गुरुकुल" संकल्प and let's make it a nationwide movement.

"Har Ghar Gurukul" Sankalpa

The Idea is to make every home a Living Gurukul. Teach your kids, from a very young age about Hindu Shastras, Traditions & all your skills  to make Dharma strong with stress on the importance of unity among Hindus to make Hindu society strong.

You decide what to teach. Here are some guidelines.

Important NOTE: To prevent your kids from becoming "Rootless" when they grow up, Your goal should be "Seeding The Mind With Dharma" to make your kids NOT cowards BUT FEARLESS by giving them encouragement, boosting their mental strength. So, please DO NOT abuse your kids & murder them emotionally & psychologically. The impressions of daily humiliation & fear made on the sub-conscious mind will have lifelong impact with low self esteem, inferiority complex, make them very docile because you will end up killing their natural aggressiveness & they may even get demotivated. If our plan is to "Survive & Revive" in the face of the onslaught of aggressive, ruthless, predatory religious ideologies, Hindus MUST become Aggressive & Assertive, else our chances survival are very bleak. ALL Hindus MUST UNDERSTAND this simple fact of life.

1. Take kids to a temple very regularly & involve them in festivals.

2. Daily meditation of 3 to 5 mins. If your kids are hyper, this will calm them down & help them improve their focus, concentration & hence become better students.

 3. Teach Surya Namaskar & some basic Yogasanas by watching youtube videos. Encourage them to do at least 11 Surya Namaskars every day.

4. Daily reciting of mantras. If your child is 5 yrs old, she/he should be able to recite 5 simple mantras from his memory. This will develop their memorizing skills & they will be able to remember a lot of what's taught in the school.

5. Teach proper Excercising & Self Defense such as शिवकालीन युद्धकला / Kalaripayattu, Silambattam, Karate, Kusti, Kabbadi to build physical strength. Kids won't be confident without being strong physically.

6. Kids must be taught to play competitive sports, one team sport such as Volleyball in which lot of jumping is involved which will make them taller & teach how to work together & excel as a team & one individual racquet sport like Table Tennis or Tennis which will teach them how to excel individually.

7. Start an online Arthashastra Study Group or Bhagawat Gita Study Group or Vedas/Upanishads Study Group with other parents & their kids. At least once or twice Every week, to Teach Hindu Shastras or by scheduling your mandir pujari for online session or to come home or by going to temple near your home.

8. Teach Strategic Thinking & simple life survival lessons from Chanakya, Mahabharat, Ramayan either or by watching youtube DDNational Serials with your kids or by reading these books . Here are the links.

Chanakya Serial

Mahabharat Serial

Ramayan Serial


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